
Meaning of Existence

Creator has not sent us to the earth with any orders to do any specific work.
But, We are been given intelligence and freedom to find the purpose. So, let us find our purpose and live for that purpose.
So far, all philosophical and scientific speculation throughout history, are ill-equipped to tackle this issue.
The true meaning of existence does not exist.

Meaning of existence - Optimistic View

  1. We are like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. We are all unique, and have our own special place in the puzzle of the universe. Without each of us, the puzzle is incomplete.
  2. We are all merely players or performers in a large play the world's stage. The stage is a great place for learning. Act well your part and exit gracefully.
  3. Grow, learn from nature or surroundings and make your living meaningful (or colourful).
  4. We are not just bodies, but some thinng more to it. Philosophers have used words like souls, spirit or atma. We have got a body to experience living (real life experience).
  5. Many do not ever ask the question. Ignorance is bliss. Often, even for those who ask fundamental questions, there is no specific answer. Every one will try to answer, from their limited experience or understanding.

Alternate Agnostic view

Who am I? Question does not have any definite answer
  1. We are not our bodies, we are not our minds, we are our inner most self (singularity). Are we nothing but the result of our imagination? Am I the sum total of my thoughts?
  2. It can also be: Our life, may be nothing but a random event.
  3. What is the meaning of life? It only makes sense if we believe that life was created for a reason. If we just happen to be here, then life cannot have any meaning.
  4. Humanity has developed, in his quest to find a purpose in life has invented supernatural beings or other mystical forces. Developed prayers, rituals, sacrifices or similar devotions, mythology and religion. Unfortunately, this has led to superstitions, exploitation and cheating others

Probable Solution

  1. Both views (Optimistic and Agnostic) can be true. Both sides can argue their view point well. Victory depends on who can argue or talk well. Accept whatever theory suits you.
  2. What are we? Why we are created? Where do we come from and where we are heading to? Scientific disciplines such as Neuro science, Evolutionary biology, Paleontology, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, may find out some thing. Let us wait and see.
  3. We are all here each to fulfill some mission, some part in the supreme design.
  4. Each one of us is really part of the big picture and fit in neatly into large interconnected plan. Everything in the universe is intrinsically linked to each other. We can observe no one is alone, but connected to other. Action of one affects other.
  5. Our purpose in life is to experience.
  6. Purpose is to fight the unknown, which is more challenging, and it will give enough strength to face the known ones! Unknown fears are more challenging to encounter!
  7. Aim in life is to be Happy; words like pleasant feeling, Joy, Bliss etc. are used to define happiness. We can easily understand from our individual view point. Happiness and sadness can co exist and that makes life interesting.
  8. Do good to every one. Even if you can not do any good, do not harm anyone.
  9. Let us make the best of our life and leave a good pleasant impression behind. Live in harmony with nature (with out damaging the environment), so that future generations can thrive.
  10. Since we are living, let us live well, may be a good and an easy answer.
Living is all about belonging to some tribe or community, place, culture. Culture, traditions and value systems are what makes you who you are. Ancestors give us following 3 things, which we should pass on: (1) Racial, Cultural, tribal or Communal Identity; (2) Belief and value system; and (3)DNA/Genes. Third is automatic. First two are social responsibility.

Live in Present

சென்றதினி மீளாது மூடரே! நீர்
எப்போதும் சென்றதையே சிந்தை செய்து
கொன்றழிக்கும் கவலையெனும் குழியில் வீழ்ந்து
குமையாதீர்! சென்றதனைக் குறித்தல் வேண்டாம்.
இன்று புதிதாய்ப் பிறந்தோம் என்று நீவிர்
எண்ணமதைத் திண்ணமுற இசைத்துக் கொண்டு
தின்று விளையாடி யின்புற்றிருந்து வாழ்வீர்;
தீமையெலாம் அழிந்துபோம், திரும்பி வாரா.
- பாரதியார்
Meaning (just summary): Forget thinking about the past and worrying yourselves. Think you are born again today. Assume all bad things have been destroyed and will not come again. Eat Play Enjoy your life. Look towards happy future

Regrets have absolute no life value and only anchor you to your past and serve as obstacles to experiencing life in the present, moment to moment, second to second. You can not change the past and you can not control nor predict the future, all you have is the here and now. I am here mentally, emotionally and physically. It is where life happens.


  1. Your life will never make sense until create a purpose.
  2. Life is a journey, where destination is same for all or not important.
  3. Main purpose of Life is to live it fully with Joy and Celebration. Love whatever you do, Be Happy with everything you have and Thankful to all around you, for making your life beautiful.
  4. You are not immortal, most people don't care what happens to you. Very few who do care are worth their weight in gold
  5. In life you’re basically by yourself and often need to rely on the kindness of strangers when things go wrong.
  6. Practicing forgiveness on everything and everyone who have hurt our soul should be the way of life. By this way, we are saving ourselves from pain, and we can move on.
  7. They say a smart man learns from his mistakes and while that may be true, the wise man learns from others mistakes. Truer words have never been spoken.